I finally have a little time to sit down and make a new entry with some of the amazing photos I've taken with my graduation gift. An Update first, however. School is finally over and I have graduated from The University of Arizona with my Bachelor's of Science in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences with a minor in Special Education, Rehabilitation, and Educational Psychology. I recently was hired on at a hospital as a Hearing Tech (or an Audiologist Assistant). I have only been there a few weeks but I really do enjoy the work I have learned so far. The Audiologist rock and I have the privilege of working along side a retired U of A professor two days a week. =] The pictures above and below are my graduation cap. I decorated it with stars and a 'T'. I Received a SLR Nikon for my graduation gift. I almost cried from happiness! I am ecstatic at the picture quality and the abilities it has with the lens that were bought with it. I have a regular le...
Keep close to Nature’s heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean. --John Muir