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Showing posts from March, 2012


Let's finish February Photo Challenge!!! WOW I didn't realize how much I didn't post! SORRY!!! Day 23: Shoes My favorite shoes right now! Day 24: Inside Your Bathroom Cabinet Since I don't have a bathroom cabinet this is as good as it gets. =] Day 25: Green Sabino Canyon Day 26: Night I love driving at night when NO ONE is on the road! Day 27: Something you ate Chicken!!! Day 28: Money Plastic or cash? I rarely have cash on me but somehow I had some! Day 29: Something You are Listening To MAE <3 I'm still trying to find a March one...not sure maybe We will wait til April. Who knows. Stay tuned! 


I know February is over. I have all my pictures from the last couple of days ready I just have to take the time to upload and blog! I've been working like crazy as of late (almost 9 1/2 hour days this week, I know it's nothing compared to twelves but mentally demanding). I have Sunday off and will most definitely tidy up February Photo Challenge. I will tonight look for a March one though! I will decide how my day will go. From Sun up to Sun Down.