Since it's Monsoon season here in Tucson I figure it's the best time to start since I LOVE taking sunset photos. Monsoon season gives the best clouds, wildlife, plants, mountains and sunsets (i.e. see photos below)
I know every person on Earth with a photo fetish does a 365 days of Photography. I know it's cliche but I think it's a good way to get back into doing photography the way I use to. Since it's Monsoon season here in Tucson I figure it's the best time to start since I LOVE taking sunset photos. Monsoon season gives the best clouds, wildlife, plants, mountains and sunsets (i.e. see above photos)
The following photo is kind of the inspiration of this new project.
I placed this sign above the door originally to provide a little push to go out to the world and do something (if you can't read it, it says "Chase Your Dreams"). As I get older I realize the dreams I once had have dwindled into the back of my mind because the "adult" things in life take a precedence. I recently joined a gym with my roommate and I am SO glad we did. We have gone to a couple of the classes they offer and I really enjoyed them, and am excited to continue to go! One type of these classes is called Body Flow (a combination of Tai Chi, Yoga, and Pilates). At the end of each class there is about a 5 minute Meditation period, the first class we went to the teacher said this quote: "Thoughts are like Shooting stars; they burn brightly for a moment and then are gone into the darkness". This quote got me thinking, if I don't act upon my thoughts they go away forever. One great idea could have been lost if I don't act upon it. However, some thoughts should be left to the darkness and I am hoping those thoughts and extinguished by providing an outlet such as photography.
On another note! The following photos are from the lilly ponds at Balboa Park. I love these flowers!
And an appreciation! I am SO thankful for my little itty bitty car! It is the cutest car and fits me so perfectly! If I had not made this purchase I would not be able to go so frequently to see my wonderful boyfriend in California! OR to see my family and make the kind of trips I do (i.e. drive an hour and half to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter 7 part 2 with my family). I know it's super dirty but it's been raining a I don't want to waste money...I'll be bringing the power washer to it probably tomorrow!
Be on the look out. I am going to be doing a little blog everyday or at least every other day for a photo of the day! With all the rain we are receiving I hope to get out and do some hiking, perhaps this weekend!!!
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