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Showing posts from February, 2012

moi and an update!

Day 21: A Fave Photo Of You Style and class =] I'm pretty awesome! Day 22: Where You Work For Personal Reason's I'm going to skip this day...instead I'm giving you an update! Day 19 was "Something You Hate To Do", well I was AT WORK when I realized I absolutely positively HATE HATE HATE licking envelopes!!! If you ever want to torture me, make me lick envelopes. 


Day 20: Handwriting There are many things I love about my boyfriend. Strangely enough one of these things is I seeing his scribbly handwriting.  Valentine's Day 2010 This was written in my card. =]  I go through all my old cards every once. It helps me remember how awesome he really is.  <3


Seems to be a trend with the weekends...I seem to get so busy with other things I delay myself from posting the pictures I want to upload. I went to Phoenix this weekend to visit family, thus a delay in my posting, I do apologize! However, we must continue! Day 17: Time I always like to have my clocks set ahead about 5 minutes or so just to give myself some cushion. I'm always running late and it's a terrible feeling! I rely on my car clock a lot.  Sorry for the blurriness, I was driving! I also took this one. Without the sun, I believe our time tracking would be much different than it is now.  I am thankful for the sun but I much prefer life after the lights are off and you have nothing but the moon and stars to work by. =] Day 18: Drink I was planning on possibly going out with a friend this night but things didn't turn out. So my next best things but to photograph my starbucks cup! I redecorated it just for this purpose =] The stainless ...


Day 16: Something New Monday night I bought a swim suit. Last night I did a make shift shrine thingy, to hang it in my bathroom. Today I took a picture of it! The center has a Calendar page where I'm going to keep track of working out. I have a goal and I'm not stopping til I reach it!

One Crazy Day!

Day 14: Heart my favorite new hearts. The boyfriend got this bracelet for me for christmas, this is the third time I've taken it off since I got it. =] Day 15: Phone My current phone... This weekend I hope to be a new owner of this phone  though, in purple!

Dinner, Movie and Footie Pajamas?

Day 13: Blue My Gramma is an amazing stained glass artist. My blue picture is a piece of work she did for me in 2006 for my high school graduation I believe. If it wasn't then, it was sometimes close to starting college. The actual piece is a square triangular object, mirror on the bottom. Two blue sides and two clear. There are wires with words inside. Inspire. Imagine. Dream. Create. Hope. When I was in school I kept this on my desk. Every so often I would turn it so I could see a different word to give me some new direction on how I was looking at life. I will forever have this in a spot in my life to remind me to look at things in a different angle.  On another note! Tonight was Roommate Valentine's Date night. The roomies and I went to Olive Garden for dinner and then went to see The Vow (GREEEEAT movie!). When we got home I demanded we FINALLY take our footie pajama group picture. I love these girls. Their basically my sisters. 

30 minutes to go but I did it!

So it took me all day to do this but that's what happens when you wake up at 12PM! =] Day 7: Button I couldn't choose just one button that I had so I took a picture of all of the loose buttons I have... Day 8: Sun Today was so pretty! With the clouds and the sun I had to use the photo I took today instead of the other one I was going to use. Day 9: Front Door This picture I am not proud's sloppy but my front door isn't entertaining at all...I do like however that I got the Eiffel Tour in it. Day 10: Self Portrait MOI! Day 11: Make You Happy My Bed and my Bears make me happy! I love spending all day in bed reading and snuggling with my bears since it's the closest thing I can get to being with my boyfriend... Day 12: Inside Your Closet I was sitting on the floor doing something (now I can't remember what) and I decided I would take this picture. Came out well I think. This is only half my closet but that doesn...


So I lied, so not getting to the past couple days...Tomorrow hopefully, if not then definitely SUNDAY!!! I had to work on my Valentine's Present! ^_^ And I normally would stay up on a wonderful Friday night but alas I work bright and early tomorrow morning! So keep a look out it might happen when you least expect it... wish i was here...

The Hydraulics aren't working! We have to shut down the roller coaster!

I hate to break it down for you but if you know the whole roller coaster analogy of life I think you can skip to the next paragraph. I'm sure you've heard Life is like a roller coaster with the ups, downs, and loop-de-loops...Another way to think of Life being like roller coaster is one part of the coaster fails, it shuts down and no one can have fun, up or down. Well you find out pretty quick that when you're sick it's like the coaster gets shut down...well for me anyway. So Day 7 I woke up feeling terrible. Slept most of Day 7 and 8. Day 9 was my first day back to work and I'm exhausted.  I'm finally getting better though. I will post Day 7-10 tomorrow...hopefully. I'm pooped today! The coaster is up and running though, not full steam yet, but we're treckin' along, before I know it I'll make it to the top of the rise and be going faster than I can handle! (who says all downs have to be negative? in fact I think going downhill is WAY more fun ...

Happy 21st Birthday Stephanie!

Day 6: Dinner I wanted to bring my point and shoot but it was dead and so was my SLR! I'm so use to the battery lasting me forever that I didn't think to check the batteries last night before our treck out for Stephanie's Birthday! We went to The Cheesecake Factory. I had the Crusted Chicken Romano, it came with a large portion of spaghetti with a small amount of marinara sauce. We started off with Spinach Cheese Dip and for dessert got a Dulce De Leche piece of cheesecake! Delicious. I didn't think about getting pictures of the other things since they technically were a part of dinner. Forgive me for I am new at this! I highly recommend if you go to The Cheesecake Factory to browse the menu before going as it is a bit overwhelming if you're unsure what your in the mood for...Good food though! And I have lunch for tomorrow! =]

getting lazy

Day 5: 10 AM I've developed a "cold" apparently. I say "cold" because I feel good minus the runny/stuffy nose and somewhat sore throat...ANYWAY, this was my view at 10 AM today, I had to use my phone since I was being lazy and didn't have my camera near me...Ammo anxious to go outside (big dog left hand side), while Aspen lay on the bed snuggled next to my legs. These dogs are great snuggle buddies. =]


Day 4: A Stranger I'm dog sitting for a friend this weekend. I haven't left the house all day except for a walk with the dogs.  I didn't think about looking at my challenge...So here's an entertaining picture that fits the qualifications. On our way to California to look for a place for Kyle to live, I was taking pictures of the scenery and clouds, and this guy took a picture of me. So naturally I took one of was kind of fun! How many people have a picture of me that I don't know?...that's a strange thought...

Days 2 and 3

Day 2: Words This Bear was my first Valentines Day Bear. I got home late and it was the easy way out for the photo challenge day 2! =] Day 3: Hands I tried to get creative with this one. Since I'm all alone tonight and am lazy I used my computer =P   (For those Sign Newbies it says TNK)

February Photo Challenge

I've been on Pinterest A LOT lately! I came across this blog that was Pinned: I take this as a goal to get back into photography! I have something to make myself actually post and take cool pictures... DAY 1: Your View Today It was dark when I got home and realized I told myself I would do this. My neighborhood is dark with no street lights (one of the things I like about Tucson). And maybe I'm dumb but I have no idea what this day is about. SO this isn't from today BUT I love the pictures so I'm doing multiples to make up for it. =] ENJOY!