So it took me all day to do this but that's what happens when you wake up at 12PM! =]
Day 7: Button
I couldn't choose just one button that I had so I took a picture of all of the loose buttons I have...
Day 8: Sun
Today was so pretty! With the clouds and the sun I had to use the photo I took today instead of the other one I was going to use.
Day 9: Front Door
This picture I am not proud's sloppy but my front door isn't entertaining at all...I do like however that I got the Eiffel Tour in it.
Day 10: Self Portrait
Day 11: Make You Happy
My Bed and my Bears make me happy! I love spending all day in bed reading and snuggling with my bears since it's the closest thing I can get to being with my boyfriend...
Day 12: Inside Your Closet
I was sitting on the floor doing something (now I can't remember what) and I decided I would take this picture. Came out well I think. This is only half my closet but that doesn't matter. I don't really use my closet much, except for pretty dress and shoes =] and storage.
Now I'm back on track. It feels good to be in control of something. Tomorrow is Roommate Valentine's Date, dinner and a show. We are going to see The Vow and go to dinner somewhere like Olive Garden or Texas Roadhouse...not sure yet though.
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